Saturday, September 29, 2012

Church In Another Language

The Solheimar church is a beautiful space and is important and connected to the community in many ways.  I have attended two church services here so far, and I would like to share my current feelings on religion and how the church here has impacted me.  Before coming to Solheimar I was very close to admitting to myself that God does not exist, but that nature is the true power.  However, since coming here I am not so sure what I feel.  There is a very powerful energy here.  The vastness of the landscape combined with the gentleness and the kindness of the people has comforted me.  It has filled me with a warmth that I don’t find when I am at home or school.  I feel like I really belong here, and despite that I have only been here for two weeks, I feel more welcomed and settled here than I often feel while at school.  When at home I feel that I am not good enough, or worthy enough to go to church, like I don’t fit the right crowd, but after going to church here I feel differently.  I see the people in the church here and feel that these people would bring more joy to God than most back home.  Here it is not about giving the most money to a church, or a competition to see who can be more in love with Jesus, or who goes to church the most or is the better Christian, but is about joy and love.  These people give what they can and bring so much love into a room that anyone could feel welcome.  They sing loud and bring invisible dogs to the services, and I absolutely LOVE that.  At home I feel pushed away from church and here I feel so welcomed.  And although the whole service is in another language, I feel closer to “God” at this church than I have at any other church I have been to.  I feel a connectedness and feeling of family that is very humbling to me.  If there is a God out there, this is how he would want his people to be, completely loving, not judgmental like many are back home.  I wish everyone could experience a service at the Solheimar church, because for me it has really changed my perspective on religion.   Regardless of whether I decide that God is for me, or just continue my current trend of loving Mother Nature, I hope to return home and find a church similar to the one here- where there is more than enough love to go around.


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