Saturday, September 29, 2012

New possibilities in a different world

“The world in your eyes is different from mine”.

On our way driving back from Mountain Hekla, the words suddenly jumped into my mind. Looking straight outside from the car window, magnificent snow mountains were sited on the edge of the plain grass field. I told myself that I have been in Iceland for almost one month.

Being in Iceland with CELL group completely changed my world and my perception about this world. For I don’t remember how many times the scenery in this wonderful land amazed me. River, sky, sun, wind, moss, grass, mountain, ice, sheep and horse are the major fundamental elements of Iceland. I do see people, their houses and small towns, but they appeared to be tenuous in front of the superior power of nature.

I remembered my first night in Iceland. I lived in a small inn that was close to airport. I felt a little bit disappointed as well as confused by the townscape. Everything looked so simple and confined. It was hard for me to find any culturally impressive architectures or landmarks. I couldn’t even find any vibrant sign to advertise anything, which made the town less fancier than I expected.

“That is it?” I asked my friend who just flew 13 hours from China with me. From that moment I felt lost and didn't know what to expect for the coming three months. However, the following trips and seminars with CELL group completely blew up my mind. As I see and learn more about this marvelous land, a strong sense of connection between nature and me come by. I respect nature with my whole heart and appreciate everything in my life more than ever. I start to think and practice sustainability while happiness simply root in my life when everyday I catch a glimpse of horizon.
Changes are happening rapidly and spontaneously. This space guides me to make better choice when new possibilities prevail. I feel like a child, exploring and being excited about each new experience such as hiking on glaciers, watching northern lights and planting trees under an active volcano… And these experiences drastically expand my vision about world. With comparison, I realize how redundant my life used to be, to the extent that I could hardly jump out of that world to really think about life.

Now when I go back to the small town, a feeling of dissonance strikes me. I appreciate the convenience of such civilized system, which directly satisfies all my essential needs without any of my physical efforts but money. However, I would love to choose a more sustainable way of life when I could find possibility in Iceland. People can survive without mass production, mass media and all the perturbations jammed in the post-industrialized world.

People deserve to experience the new possibilities before they make their choice.

 by Yuan Zhuang

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