Monday, October 29, 2012

A morning in the life of a CELL student

Its 8:30 a.m. and the sun has yet to rise.  A groggy crew gathers together in the living room to “become present” and discuss any household issues and plans for the day.  As the meeting draws to a close I get my coat, hat, and gloves and head to put my shoes on.  It’s approximately 8:45.  I am usually the first one out the door, so I put my shoes on and head outside to go to morning meeting thinking of what phrases I should have written out to ask people and guessing who the first person to greet me will be.  As I walk down the hill towards Solheimahus I consider how cold it is and how I should have worn another layer of clothing, or how icy the path is trying not to fall, completely oblivious to the joy that is about to ensue.  As I turn the corner I start to see those who have been waiting, sometimes as early as 8:15, and watch as their faces start to light up.  I say “góðan daginn” to Eyþór as I walk by heading for the rest of the group.  I am greeted first by a hug and a stroke of the cheek from Kristján which always brings a smile to my face.  After Kristján I am greeted by a hug and smile from Hanný and Disa.  I go to my normal place across the circle and greet Gísli in hopes for a response and listen as he says “Frost á morgun. Ekki í dag.” (“Frost this morning, none today”).  As I stand there I watch as my fellow classmates and teachers start walking in.  First come Steph and Alicia who are greeted with many “góðan daginn”’s and the occasional hug from Hanný and Disa.  Then Shelby, Karin, and Noga walk up and are immediately swarmed.  I watch as Noga also gets a hug and a cheek stroke from Kristján and goes on talking to Guðlaug, Erla and Ólafur.  Shelby is greeted by Guðlaug and talks to her about her sparkly hat and gloves. Karin is greeted by a big hug from Hanný and continues by asking her and others questions in Icelandic.  Reynir walks in and flies around the inside the circle like an airplane and Valgeir enters and follows him before taking his place in the circle.  Birgir enters and helps Helga stand since she can’t sit because the bench is covered in frost. The circle takes its form, I take Gísli’s hand as well as the hand of the person to my right, and we all wait in silence as we wait for the church bells to ring.  Seeing the community together is a very special moment, and seeing the silent interactions among others is quite fun.  Finally the bells ring. Einn. Tveir. Þrír. Fjórir.  I watch as Reynir nods to each chime.  Fimm. Sex. Sjö. Átta. Níu. “Góðan daginn.”  The meeting then starts with Guðmundur asking Ólafur Benediktsson for the date and continues on with the normal business of who is attending school, people going to town, and more.  Helga chimes in telling Guðmundur about her comments on the days’ events.  Shelby then raises her hand and in Icelandic mentions that we are showing a movie in Sesseljuhus tonight.  Guðmundur nods and the group is impressed with the perfect Icelandic.  Disa, very excited about the movie, exclaims “YES! YES!” jumping up and down, and everyone laughs.  The meeting comes to a close with Sandra telling us what is for lunch: “Fiskur og grænmeti.”(fish and vegetables).  Joining hands again, we stand as Laurus starts and leads the community in the morning song:

Lof sé Guði ljómar dagur,
Lífgar sólargeislinn fagur
Allt um heim sem hefur líf.
Gef oss Drottinn gott að iðja
Gef oss náð að vaka og biðja,
Vertu styrkur vor og hlíf.

We raise our hands and I stand and watch as everyone goes in their respectable directions.  The day has begun.  Because the whole meeting was in Icelandic I walk over to meet with the rest of my classmates and the volunteers to talk with Herdis and Axel about what was discussed.  By now I understand most of what is mentioned, but there are still some topics that I know less about.  Finally we start to make our way up the hill to class.  We meet up with Siggi who had been waiting for us and talk about our days and what we are going to learn.  There is nothing like the interactions and laughter of a morning meeting to start your day.


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