Monday, October 29, 2012

An attempt at poetry


Black rock, grey sky.
blue water
hissing through cobbles post each crash.
silence, ocean.
clouds stretch out, over land and sea
blanketing all.
gloves off;
this is a place where your hands should be cold
skin sliding over smooth monoliths
of stone, twisted and dark;
fingers dipping into hidden pools
of clearest water
stillest water.

This landscape is not cheerful,
it is imbued with a joy, deep and melancholy
that resonates with impossible power.
here mortality catches in your throat
as waves batter the slowly retreating earth
par they would batter a watcher's frail frame.

is in his true place here
in awe of the forces around him
subject to them
no longer omnipotent;
arrogance dashed against the cobbles
like so much ocean spray.

The coast that inspired the poem


- Connor Mulcahy

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